Generation Y grew up. What now?

MILLENNIALS! Where do they live? What do they eat? How do they relate to others?

MILLENNIALS! Where do they live? What do they eat? How do they relate to others? Professionals from diverse areas have spent some good years studying this generation’s behavior – children and young people whose minds and attitudes are very different.

There’s just one thing. They’re not children anymore. Born between 1980 and 1995, this oldest millennials are already – OMG! – 37 years old.

New studies began. What are the consumer behaviors of Generation Y adults? Afterall, they account for 20% of the world’s population and they’re working, starting families and making purchase decisions. One study from Google says that nearly 83% of first-time mothers are millennials and that the two words (“moms” and “millennials”) are already interchangeable among many experts. In 2004 there were 20 million registered searches related to maternity; in 2006 that number jumped to 100 million, which makes sense, given that this generation doesn’t ever disconnect.

In Brazil, according to IBGE, there are more than 58 million people in this age group. In general, they make purchase decisions much the way they did as adolescents. They are super connected – they grew up with technology, and it’s practically a requirement for survival – they need to identify directly with a brand in order to have a connection to it. They look for purpose in what they do and how they consume, and they trust the opinions of their peers more than advertising or statements.

For this reason brands need to behave differently if they want to attract this new generation of consumers. Continuing to engaging in communications of the past is a sure way of being forgotten. They need to diversify, expand their horizons and above everything, leave some things behind.

Rio Quente Resorts wanted to amplify its reach and change it’s image of a traditional destination to also be known as a choice location for new families. They were able to understand that changing the way they communicated, diversifying their platforms and investing more in social and digital made a difference. Social media networks, digital content, and a growing network of influencers are increasingly directing Generation Y traffic – and their Generation Z children – to explore the enchantment of the Cerrado brasileiro (the tropical savanna of central Brazil).

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