Authenticity of discourse has been more important for brand reputation than great purposes without practical delivery.
Vought International, a powerful corporation, presents itself to the public as a promoter of good, investing in social and sustainable causes, while, behind the scenes, it is involved in corruption, abuse of power and manipulation. This widely recognized brand manages superheroes, known as “Supes,” who are, media machines that are only willing to save the planet if this generates a good number of likes and shares. That’s the plot of “The Boys,” based on comics created by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson and available on Amazon Prime for anyone who wants to watch it. The satire, inspired by the universe of traditional superheroes, also includes a critique of the corporate universe, pointing out a tiredness of audiences with brand stories in this savior style.
How not to fall into the trap of saying something that is not true?
Perhaps one of the most difficult issues for brands is assuming vulnerabilities without compromising their values. Nike’s “I’m a bad person” campaign challenges the traditional hero narrative, where, instead of portraying athletes as perfect role models, it recognizes their flaws and human complexities, presenting a more realistic view.
There was also a smaller presence of activism campaigns at the Cannes Creativity Festival. This shift can be attributed to the saturation of campaigns with social causes, leading to growing skepticism among consumers, who have begun to question the authenticity of brands’ intentions.
And now? What about ESG-focused communication?
If the issue revolves around disbelief of a brand’s true performance in purpose, the starting point is to carry out this self-analysis before any outreach. It’s essential to position your company in areas where there is authentic practice. Looking at the lists of most admired brands, such as the Interbrand and Folha de S. Paulo Top of Voice rankings, we realize that a genuine bond with audiences requires this more transparent stance of saying what the brand truly does.
The other thing is to look for a strong connection between ESG practices and the company’s operations, as the narrative is more credible when audiences realize that projects on these fronts are linked to the issues that brands touch on in their businesses. It is essential to give transparency to the performance of brands in social areas in line with their business role of generating revenue.
In closing, it is worth remembering a phrase from photographer Oliviero Toscani, when he resumed Benetton campaigns in 2018 and emphasized the need to relate these two aspects. He said “Selling is not bad, and we need to sell. We must face a market, but the fact that we must face a market also means that we must face the problems that our society has.”