According to the World Sleep Society and the World Health Organization (WHO), sleep problems constitute a global epidemic that threatens the health and quality of life of around 45% of the world’s population. In Brazil, the prevalence of sleep disorders is among the highest, and the population rarely seeks guidance and treatment. The country is in the top 10 for people living with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). At 27 million, this represents just over a third of the Brazilian population. Not by coincidence,
Brazil also has among the highest anxiety rates in the world, where people sleep the
Between burnout syndrome, accelerated screen scrolling, countless open tabs and dizzyingly fast videos, it’s no surprise that sleep difficulties have become a common struggle for many. From insomnia to apnea, the challenges of achieving a restful night’s sleep have significantly impacted overall health and well-being. On Tik Tok, the SleepHygiene (sleep hygiene) trend has already accumulated 33 million views and “sleep influencers” are a reality. Within this scenario, doctors like @TheSleepDoctor emerge as some of the main producers of reliable content, with tips that go beyond recommending melatonin or exercise, but go into a complex analysis of brain activity during sleep or the relationship between the use of screens for a more peaceful night’s rest.
Researchers attest that people with chronic insomnia have a 21% higher risk of hypertension and a 51% higher risk of type 2 diabetes and can also develop generalized anxiety disorder and depression. Both conditions are associated with decreased functionality and increased risk of accidents, reduced immunity and increased cardiovascular risk.
To sleep well is in vogue
This collective crisis has given rise to a broad industry dedicated to providing solutions that meet the diverse needs of individuals looking for a good night’s sleep. As consumers continue to struggle with bad habits, insomnia is already a USD 5 billion market and shows no signs of slowing down. WGSN forecasts that it will rise to USD 6 billion by 2028.
This market includes, among other possibilities, meditation apps, sounds of nature, holistic therapies, sleep monitoring devices, products and content on social networks teaching us how to overcome insomnia. Speaking of products, the smartwatch segment has expanded rapidly, in addition to sleep retreats on the rise, in other words, the boast of the moment is quality sleep.
And while there are products and solutions to improve the sleep experience, there is also a rise in sleep influencers with content focused on sleeping well or even filming themselves sleeping, which are now part of the contemporary world. As is the case with AlexShannon – “the world’s first sleep influencer,” as per his bio, based in London and with 53,000+ Instagram followers, he shows off his stays in luxury hotels to get a good night’s rest. This shows that brands need to implement social listening to stay aware of sleep-focused conversations and work with creators to promote better rest.
The rapid growth of the industry reflects a social shift toward prioritizing sleep as a crucial component of overall health and presents an opportunity for brands to incorporate the topic, whether through a traditional approach to health, inserting itself into conversations about “sleep hygiene” or “sleep quality,” or through creative approaches, more connected to beauty, fashion and food.